We Were There For Them
We Can Be There For You Too

Clint Lorance
Convicted of Murder...for Protecting his Soldiers
1LT. Clint Lorance has been in prison for over five years for ordering his men to open fire on an Afghan motorcycle speeding toward his patrol. Two men were killed. Lorance was convicted of murdering civilians, even though those men were confirmed terrorists.

Robert Bales
Anti-Malarial Drug Blamed for Afghan Massacre
Robert Bales pled guilty to murder charges for an event in Afghanistan that left 17 civilians dead. However, before the event Bales was required to take an anti-malaria drug with known psychotic side-effects and that evidence was never presented in court.

Jared Herrmann
Sergeant Imprisoned for Others' Failure to Inspect Parachutes
Sergeant Herrmann, a paratrooper and parachute rigger, was convicted of reckless endangerment after two of his junior riggers falsely certified that certain parachutes were physically inspected and found airworthy. Neither Soldier was court-martialed, nor were any of SGT Herrmann's superiors. The case went to the US Supreme Court and is now before an Arizona federal district court pursuant to a petition for writ of habeas corpus. The petition challenges the military courts' definition of the term "likely" for purposes of the "likely to cause death or grievous bodily injury" element of the reckless endangerment offense.

Damon Claiborne
Sergeant Retained, But Discharged for Same Conduct 10 Years Later, Misses Retirement
Claiborne served one year for sexual assault of a minor he met drinking in a bowling alley bar. Despite that, he was retained in 2006, promoted twice, and sent to combat twice. With an enlistment contract guaranteeing him 20 years retirement, he was discharged 5 months before vesting because the Army initiated a new policy that went back 10 years and chaptered him out for the same conduct.

Richard Camacho
Army Sexual Assault Policy Reverses Presumption of Innocence
Army Captain Richard Camacho was put in for the Distinguished Flying Cross but application of the Army's SHARP program to his case reversed the constitutional presumption of innocence. MLS attorneys successfully briefed and secured reversal on appeal of a felony kidnapping conviction in November 2018. Attorneys for Camacho filed a Petition for Certiorari in the US Supreme Court claiming the Army's SHARP program is unconstitutional.

Jonathan Gurfein
CAC Card Swipe Proves Marine Corps Major Not at Scene of Crime
Marine Corps Major Gurfein served with distinction in Iraq and Afghanistan, and was convicted even though the prosecutoin was not able to put him at the scene of the crime and the time prescribed, he proved it was impossible to have been there by using his CAC card swipe from his office, and the prosecution withheld critical exonerating evidence.

Jeffery Page
26 Years for Negligent Discharge of M4 Rifle?
On a deployment to Jordan, Page accidently shot his battle buddy and killed him while dry-firing. He pled guilty to involuntary manslaughter, but the prosecution went forward to prove unpremeditated murder. However, defense counsel did not call 12 witnesses who would have testified that Jeffery had no intent to kill.

Gregory Heckenbach
Suburban Firefighter & Reserve Soldier Challenges Employer's Anti-Military Actions
Gregory Heckenbach is a Bloomingdale, Illinois Firefighter and Paramedic. He is also a Staff Sergeant in the U. S. Army Reserve. He is challenging his public employer's actions which appear to discriminate against Reservists in Federal Court in Chicago.
David Mueller
USERRA Federal Lawsuit for Local Police Officer and National Guardsman
Both the Joliet Police Department, their attorneys, and the Federal Judge did not understand that USERRA protects National Guardsman on "full time National Guard duty," not just Reservists.

Anthony Santucci
Military Judge Refuses to Give Jury Instruction
In this petition for writ of habeas corpus, we describe how a military trial judge made multiple errors in the instructions given to the jury, and the military appellate courts looked the other way.
What Clients Have to Say

Pete McCollaum
US Army Special Forces, LTC (R)​
Most attorneys talk big but then hand your case off to a junior partner or law clerk. With John, you can expect his close personal attention. If you were my friend or family in the most dire of straits, he is the attorney I would recommend.

Kathryn Fontaine
USMC Retired, US Dep't of Labor
My first attorney treated my case as an afterthought; I felt like a bother to her. With Mr. Maher, I felt like I was finally heard, understood and represented! He gave my case his full attention and his work yielded my best possible outcome.

Rudolf Tamas
Suburban Chicago Police Dept.
A corrupt police station accused me of something I didn't do. I had to quickly prove I was innocent. Not knowing what to do, I turned to Mr. Maher. He proved my innocence and because of him I have my job, and my freedom.