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Letters to POTUS Regarding Clint Lorance

John Maher

1st Lieutenant Clint Lorance has been in prison for too long. In fact, he never should have been sent to prison. He is not guilty of war crimes. He should never have received a court martial. While habeas corpus has been filed in federal civilian court and we are waiting for the process to play out, we are not sitting idle. We continue to create awareness of this injustice.

Below are a several letters Maher Legal Services has helped procure and send to the President of the United States on Clint's behalf.

LETTER TO PRESIDENT TRUMP (3/1/19) - Signed by eight members of Congress

LETTER TO CONGRESSMAN FLORES (1/21/19) - Sent by Maher Legal Services

LETTER TO PRESIDENT TRUMP (6/1/18) - Sent by Maher Legal Services

LETTER TO PRESIDENT TRUMP (2/1/17) - Sent by Congressman Duncan Hunter

CASE OVERVIEW SLIDE DECK - Prepared by Lorance defense team

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